Monday, July 2, 2007

The Most Precious Commodity on Earth!

What is the most precious commodity on earth?

Without question it is water and pure drinking (potable) water!! And it will continue to become more valuable as the shortage of supply is made worse by our ever increasing population on this earth. A shortage of good fresh water is even more a cause for wars than a shortage of oil!

There is a wonderful new invention I just saw on TV that I want to share with all of you! The way to use cold sea water and warm air to create fresh water with very little energy!!

Obviously places in the Middle East where so much of the world's energy comes from and so much of the world’s wealth is accumulating, need this dramatically. So I expect the first production plant to be built soon.

But like many new ideas, as soon as they are exposed to the public, dramatic improvements start flowing in. Think of the few short years ago really that the Wright Brothers invented the airplane and now we send men to the moon etc.

So hopefully one or more of you will come up with the BIG NEW IMPROVEMENT that will change the world and bring forth your best Potential for Mankind!

We all know about setting a glass of ice water on the table and soon a ring of water is all around it. So what causes that? It is the difference in the temperature of the glass and the surrounding air. When the warm air with moisture in it comes in contact with the colder object the moisture vapor immediately is attracted to the object and clings to it. Then as the amount of moisture exceeds the kinetic energy that holds it on the glass it begins to run down the glass to the table top.

The same phenomenon is observed in Hot Houses where they grow plants indoors. The moisture accumulates on the walls and in large places it actually causes rain to fall inside the building!!

So what they have done is to prove the concept that if you are by the ocean, you can pump cold sea water from the depths up through pipes and then spray it onto a huge grid (that is the temperature of outside) and as the wind blows through the grid (or as they blow air through it) the moisture in the air and on the grid is converted to a mist and when it comes to the cold tubes it accumulates and drips down to collection areas at the bottom!

The energy requirements for this process are dramatically lower than the old desalinization plants!!

Now we all know that this same process works in our living rooms. So we don't have to be by the ocean! In fact I remember seeing a technique where people are able to get water out of the air in the desert by making a little roof that gets hot by the sun on the top and is cooler on the bottom side because of the shade. It was demonstrated in "The Flight of the Phoenix" movie.

So how can we figure out a way to replenish the world with a never ending supply of the most precious commodity on earth?

NEW!!! How can we cheaply produce an unlimited supply of fresh water for our communities without having to drill wells and pump it up to water towers? Of course, create water in the water towers!!

Those little refrigerators that work will a small amount of current to circulate the right kind of gas (Freon?). Use the same concept at the top of the towers and cool a grid. Of course we could use the heavy duty ones like big refrigeration units but the small ones might be sufficient and more economical.

Have it turn like a windmill to face the wind at the perfect direction. The picture they showed was of a big stadium with a honeycomb grid at the back. Have our grid be a honeycomb for maximum cold surface exposed to the air. Since the towers are already tall the wind will be stronger there than at lower levels so we don’t want our new fresh water to evaporate!

We might be able to create a ‘cup-like’ feature that caused the wind to come into the grid slowly and smoothly at a perfect speed for maximum extraction.

Keep me in mind when you do discover it because I know you will, OF COURSE, want to share your new wealth with me!!

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